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Relationship Between The Inheritance System & Investment

Relationship Between The Inheritance System & Investment

Financial investment is defined as an individual (or group) exploiting his money in excess of his need and devoting it, directly or indirectly, to an economic activity in accordance with specific principles and objectives, in order to obtain a return from it, which that individual can use to meet his needs and desires and help others, and among the reasons and motives for investment. For the individual, it is ownership, which the inheritance system achieves, and is consistent with individual desires and sound human nature. Therefore, it is considered an integrated system that pushes the person to exert more effort and giving, considering that those who will benefit from his effort are his family members and relatives, whom he cares about and seeks to make them happy. The priorities of his endeavors in his life in the first place, which will encourage him to do more and contribute to various economic activities, and the meaning of this is evident through the recommendation of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, to the inheritor that it is better for him to leave his heirs rich than to leave them begging people.


الإمارات العربية المتحدة/ أبوظبي

شارع اللولو/ بناية رقم 30/ مكتب رقم 04
صندوق بريد :94419


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